June has been wonderful! Mark your calendars the first day of summer is sneaking upon us and we are so darn excited! I was able to take a wonderful trip! Let’s start with a wonderful homemade soda. I stopped in Montpelier, Idaho. I got a delicious homemade soda. It had raspberry and coconut cream. Oh so many great places in the valley to find a delicious homemade soda! Then I made my way to Garden City, Utah and got some homemade Ebleskivers! Homemade from scratch. They had cream cheese filling and raspberry puree on top. To die for. Back on the road again. We headed through Lake town Canyon. It is gorgeous. Lots of wildflowers all over. Also, wonderful rocky cliffs. When you look up. I love the scenery. You will get to a long stretch I had to stop and take a photo of the road. When you get out the canyon I headed to Randolph. I landed myself in the cutest town I have ever seen. I stopped by the Woodruff Homestead. What a wonderful place.
Experience it with me, will you?

Wow, what an incredible experience. I truly enjoyed the Wilford Woodruff home. It was built in 1871. and restored in 1992. This place is a must see when you visit Bear Lake Valley! Also, when you stop by you will be greeted by a local who works there. She will help you get information about Bear Lake Valley and all your vacation needs. She will also give you a free tour. Hope you enjoy this peace of incredible history the next time you’re in the valley! Wilford Woodruff was the fourth President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. He was a Journal Keeper. Because of his journals a lot of the church history was obtained. He was an incredible Fisherman. In the home you can see his handmade fishing pole! Hundreds of years old and it’s a solid fishing pole. He was one of the very first pioneers who made the trek to Salt Lake City. He made the trek various times. In 1870, with the help of Brigham Young, Randolph was settled. In 1871, his wife Sarah Brown Woodruff and Wilford bought a 20-acre farm. In 1872 they built this incredible home. That’s some awesome history. But I’ll tell about what I saw.
When I first went in there was a sweet lady named Judy. She was just a doll. I just enjoyed her energy. She was full of incredible information about the Bear Lake Valley and the Woodruff homestead. I am more of a wander and explorer. So, I started looking around. I was mesmerized by all the wonderful old bullet shells, knifes, buttons and other trinkets framed that were found when the building underneath during the time the building was restored. I looked at the wonderful books he had, He was a journalist and I really enjoy since I like to write myself. His scriptures and even his old Salt Lake City Dedication ticket still on his nightstand. His bed had the prettiest quilt. Handmade with the prettiest flowers. I went into the next room. I began looking at the dining table. The china brought me the fondest memories. I couldn’t believe my eyes. The same china my grandmother served us on when I was a child. Beautiful glass drinking cups. The prettiest serving dishes with mesmerizing painted flowers and designs. The forks and knifes still intact rusted over but you can imagine yourself sitting at the table enjoying a meal with Woodruff and his wife. Imagine stepping back in time and enjoying a nice wood fire? The woodstove still fully attached to the home. The engravings in the craftmanship is impeccable. I saw the old ironing board and original Iron to press clothing. Wow, so amazing. His fishing pole is still there. Can you imagine what a great fisherman he was when it is still solid? He enjoyed fishing the local creeks. Old hats, school desks. I do have to say the school desks were so small. And the embellishments on the sides are beautiful.
It really was an experience I won’t forget. Make sure you go and experience the fun. Restrooms are available. An awesome park is across the road so bring your picnicking goodies and enjoy a relaxing day in Randolph, Utah.
I wonder where we should go next! Stay tuned and follow my journey around the beautiful Bear Lake Valley! Next month we will go on another adventure and bring you some more fun things to do! For now check out this little piece of history and embrace it all!