Weather & FAQs

Bear Lake Valley Weather and Local Information

 Bear Lake Valley Weather

Fish Haven, Idaho, weather forecast

Bear Lake Watch

Learn about how to help protect and preserve Bear Lake! 
It is up to people of Utah and Idaho to see that Bear Lake is maintained and protected to preserve its unique characteristics forever.
Join the fight!

Bear Lake Valley Chambers of Commerce

Bear Lake State Park Facts About Bear Lake

Bear Lake was formed some 28 thousand years ago by earthquake activity. Its unique aqua-blue color is the result of calcium carbonates suspended in the lake. At an elevation of 5,923 feet, Bear Lake is 20 miles long and 8 miles wide, 208′ deep, covering 112 square miles.

Bear Lake Valley Elevations

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 Bear Lake Idaho Idaho Elevations Chart

Bear Lake Valley Temperatures

Bear Lake Valley temperature chart

Bear Lake average temperatures chart

 Mileage Chart

Milage charts to the Bear Lake Valley