The Forest Service has an active timber sale in the Temple Peak and Log Cabin Ridge area. They’ve been working to provide safe snowmobile access via Temple Canyon to the groomed trail system and allow logging activities to continue. Please assist us by sharing this information with your contacts:
Winter visitors should be aware of changes to motorized vehicle access for the Temple Canyon Road (#20008) and Log Cabin Ridge Road (#20176), due to timber harvest and hauling activities on the Red Ryder timber sale in Rich County. Snowmobile users should be prepared for logging truck traffic on both roads from Monday through Friday, when accessing the groomed snowmobile trail on the Sinks Road (#2055). There is no timber hauling occurring on weekends.
The outside portion of the Temple Canyon Road will not be plowed, to allow snowmobile users access to the Sinks and Hardware Ranch trail systems, via the trail system to the west. To provide for public safety, the plowed portion of the Temple Canyon road and the Log Cabin Ridge road are closed to all motorized vehicle traffic.
This post is on our Forest social media accounts and can be shared from there as well. If this raises any issues or questions, please don’t hesitate to call me.
Thanks and enjoy your holidays!
Jennefer Parker
District Ranger
R4 Casualty Assistance Program Coordinator
Forest Service
Logan Ranger District, Uinta-Wasatch-Cache NF
p: 435-755-3621
1500 E. Highway 89
Logan, UT 84321